Our Team – Persuasive Social

Meet Our Team

The Persuasive Team

Cameron Bell

Cameron Bell

Hi I’m Cameron, and I’m Persuasive’s Facebook Advertising and Content Creation specialist.

I graduated with a Distinction Masters in Marketing from the Norwich Business School, and, thanks to a scholarship, I didn’t have to sell any kidneys to pay for it! I enjoy sharing my expertise with small to medium-sized businesses, giving them a fighting chance in a rapidly evolving digital world.

When I’m not memeing, I’m either in the gym (lifting considerably more than Mark) or bouldering.

So get in touch and let’s get you some business!

Mark Hibbitts

After many years as a copywriter, blogger, author, and salesperson, Mark started full-time social media management around the time Covid hit the UK. He now spends his time writing the copy for customer ad campaigns and writing and scheduling up to 100 social media posts a week for various small businesses around the UK.

Specialising in writing in the ‘tone of voice’ of the client, Mark enjoys it when his clients get told ‘you’re really on it with your social media, aren’t you? I don’t know how you find the time’.

When not working, Mark enjoys riding his Harley Davidsons, working out with kettlebells and free weights (lifting substantially more than Cameron), eating plant-based food, and drinking the occasional single malt (if you’re buying him a thank-you gift, a bottle of Talisker 10 would be great, thanks).


Why Choose Persuasive?

If you’re looking for a Norwich digital marketing agency to partner with, we think you should choose us. Here’s why…


We’re after long-term relationships – and those can only be built on trust and results. That’s why transparency is key in everything we do. We’ll update you regularly on the hours we’re putting in, so you won’t be wondering where your money is going. When something works, we’ll explain why. And when it doesn’t, we’ll explain why – and we’ll do something about it.


So, you have a marketing budget. But as a new and/or growing business, you don’t have money to burn, right? That’s why, when you’re looking for a marketing agency in Norwich, we’re the best choice. As we mentioned earlier, we are a remote working agency. No offices to pay for means our overheads are low, and the savings can be passed on to you - our partners.


When you partner with us, you’ll see that we’re completely dedicated to your success. We’ll work proactively with you, keeping in near-constant touch with creative ideas and ad tweaks. We’ll probably be on your case all the time for social media content too – but that’s only because we care and want you to achieve your goals. Your success is our success after all.


Being a smaller, remote working Norwich based digital marketing agency makes us more agile and flexible. We don’t do long contracts – although most of our partners stay long term. And we’re adaptable. You want to start small and see how things go? We’re good with that. As we build more campaigns for you, and you see more ROI, you can up your budget to match.

What We Do


Getting your product or service in front of the people who want it, when they want it,  is key to your success – and that’s where we excel. We’ll fully manage your ad campaigns for you – from copywriting, image design, video creation, and setting up, to tweaking and testing to ensure you get the results you want. Best of all, we’ll do it with no management fee until you see results!

Social Media Management

Social Media presence is important for a business, we all know that. But for a small business owner, finding the time to keep your brand consistent and relevant online can be daunting and time-consuming. That’s where we come in. We can look after all your social media accounts, keeping your brand in the public eye, and giving you the time to do what you do best – manage your business.

Digital Content

So, you want to look after your own marketing, but could use a little help? Would it make your life easier if you had a pre-arranged set of digital marketing images and videos delivered to your inbox every month? We can do that. Need copy to go with them? We can do that too. Just ask us about our content creation packages.